
MY WAY NUMBER 10…….The FCAT “disaster”……stop the politics!

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The FCAT “disaster”……stop the politics!

The headline of the week in the Orlando Sentinel read: “Scores on Florida’s writing test dropped dramatically this year, with student essays earning such poor marks that one superintendent called them a “disaster” and many educators demanded that the state study what happened.

The State Board of Education has called an emergency meeting for today to consider a plan to mitigate the impact of the low scores onFlorida’s annual A-to-F school grades”.

Then the State decides to meet and lower the scores…here we go politics! The real meaning of FCAT is FLORIDA CANNOT AFFORD THIS or the FLORIDA CORRUPTION ASSET TEST! We cannot continue to designate professional politicians with no education experience into the system. We cannot continue to support school boards that do no good to our communities. After their last election, now you see them hitting the streets, showing up online, and looking to be invited to every social event. Our education system is based on politics, not on the wellbeing of our children or as Bob Schaeffer, Fair Test group’s public-education director stated: “They show the state’s accountability plans “reflect profoundly political decisions, not objective measures of teaching and learning, How can a measure which fluctuates from 81% to 27% ‘proficient’ in just one year even meet the laugh test?”

Think about it, who are these people that come up with these tests? What are their credentials? Is it just a way to make money from the school system? All these questions bring us to one conclusion: its politics as usual.

It’s time to open our eyes and elect capable people and not politicians to our education positions and our school boards. This year, you have an opportunity to vote on our local school board. Please think and evaluate every candidate. Is it time for a change? How many of the board members have turned the school board into a political career? How many times have you seen your board member in your community? DO you even know who your school board member is? I am sure you will see them this year….for obvious reasons….Lets get politics out of our schools, the politics and politicians are destroying our most important asset, our children.

Sorry I couldn’t write last week…..I will see you next week!

Luis Lopez

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