Well, it’s over. Finally, the money spent, the parties, the inconveniences, and the “militarization” of cities and let’s not forget Isaac. After this, there are 2 general ideas we can learn from them:
THE DEMOCRATIC IDEA: If we elect Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, the nation is going straight down the toilet.
THE REPUBLICAN IDEA: If we re-elect Barack Obama and Joe Biden, the nation is going straight down the toilet.
They spent millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money to come to these 2 conclusions.
Now that we know this, it is time for us to start really thinking what to do. They had a chance to try to convince one and other on what they will do, in their own particular way. We will see no more conventions for the next 4 years and we still have no idea where this country is going to. Some think that, no matter who wins we will be screwed anyway.
What is definitely true is that you should vote. The future is so uncertain it is more important than ever that people register and vote. This country has never been so divided, and its time politicians on both sides learn, once and for all, that government id FOR THE PEOPLE, not for a party or for the inept people that are in Congress. The time has come for the people to shout out, and express their feelings without being confused by political rhetoric, or who has more money to spend on ads. May the truth be with all of us? See you next week.