
My Way # 13: United States of America….talking about a third world country

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United States of America….talking about a third world country

 According to the New York Times, the presidential candidates have raised more than $330 million for their campaigns to date, according to reports filed with the Federal Election Commission. Mitt Romney leads among Republicans, but President Obama easily topped the field.  It is interesting how candidates “buy” elections, because they don’t really win. Same thing happened in Florida. It is incredible the amount of money used to buy the votes of a miniscule electorate that votes in the United States.

Think about the 330 million when you read these facts:

  1. According to Feeding America, there are 48,832,000 people that are food insecure, that have limited or no access to food. 3,609,200 of these live in Florida. (http://bit.ly/LIdvNW)
  2. 17.1 percent of Americans have no health insurance.  (http://huff.to/LIcTrE)
  3. 636,017 Homeless people in America, 67,495 are veterans. 56,687 homeless in Florida. (http://www.endhomelessness.org/content/article/detail/4361)

These are just 3 examples that are obvious in a third world country. Now, let’s add to that this humongous amount of money that could easily take help or even take care of these 3 very sad problems. The corruption in politics in general in the United States is worse than in a third world country. The “purchase of government by the big economic interests, the homeless, uninsured and the hungry. Think about it…

United States passes the third world admission test with flying colors!  WELCOME!!



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